Climate Karen

A weird, fun planet friendly project we got to be a part of.


Climate Karen


Climate Karen needed a brand identity that would stand out in the sustainability sector: combining environmental responsibility with anengaging approach that resonates with a broad audience.


Visual Brand Identity System Copywriting Illustrations Merchandise

Climate Karen

A weird, fun planet friendly project we got to be a part of.


Climate Karen


Climate Karen needed a brand identity that would stand out in the sustainability sector: combining environmental responsibility with anengaging approach that resonates with a broad audience.


Visual Brand Identity System Copywriting Illustrations Merchandise

Climate Karen

A weird, fun planet friendly project we got to be a part of.


Climate Karen


Climate Karen needed a brand identity that would stand out in the sustainability sector: combining environmental responsibility with anengaging approach that resonates with a broad audience.


Visual Brand Identity System Copywriting Illustrations Merchandise

We crafted a unique vintage illustration-based identity for Climate Karen, blending nostalgic aesthetics with bold, modern messaging. The identity is punctuated by slogans like "SO HOT RIGHT NOW" and "OZONE HO," making serious environmental topics a bit cheeky.

iClimate Karen not only draws attention and invites engagement and conversation about the importance of sustainability.

Who wouldn't want an "Ozone Ho" shirt?